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We have reserved rooms for conference participants in the following three hotels:

1. Barcelo Cologne City Center 

Single/double room at 93 € per night, breakfast 22 €.

Habsburgerring 9-13 | 50674 Köln | Germany

phone +49 (0) 221 228 1780 | mail to:

Please make your room reservation by referring to "Behavioral Operations".


2. Hotel Flandrischer Hof

Single room at 69 € per night incl. breakfast.

Double room at 76 € per night incl. breakfast.

Flandrische Str. 3-11 | 50674 Köln |Germany

Phone +49 221 20360 |mail to:

Please make your room reservation by referring to "Behavioral Operations".


3. Hotel Hopper et cetera

Single room at 85 € per night incl. breakfast. 

Brüsseler Str. 26 | 50674 Köln |Germany

phone: +49 221 92 440 6 | mail to:

Please make your room reservation by referring to "Behavioral Operations".


Additonal Information:

For the arrangement of hotel accommodation, you can also contact the hotel service of KölnTourismus +49 (0) 221-221-30422.

Furthermore you can book yourself other accommodations in Cologne via the HRS Cologne Booking System: Click here.